Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I LOVE this picture!

This is such a great picture. Mom and daughter laughing! She soon will be too big to be carry!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Mom and Daughter Session

Here are a few from this week. I am so far behind I am not getting as many done. More to come I am sure.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A very dear friend of mine!

I know there will be more pictures to come but here is the first! Check out the reflection in the eye, yeah, that is me!

Ok.... a few more!

I am having a hard time deciding what pictures to add from this weekend. I could add them all but I would hate to take over the blog with one family. Of course that is what happens with all the families I take. I am so proud to be able to give the family a gift to remember this time in life.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

This weekend's session

I have learned some new tricks and had to share! These are beautiful children and so much fun. They both had the best time with the flowers. Come on my loyal audience, give me some comments. What do you think?

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A fun storyboard

I have been playing around with storyboards. Here is one from the beach. I love the feet picture!

More favorites from this weekend

Monday, May 14, 2007

A few from this weekend: This family was great! The liitle boy didn't want to smile at the camera but he loved to watch me. I have many more to come but these are a few I had to share!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

My favorites of my son

We took a few pictures of my son (only 300) and here are a few favorites. I am also posting more picture on his blog that are special to me.

Few from the beach

It is so hard to pick but here are a few from the beach. More to come I am sure!