Saturday, June 30, 2007

A new Black and White Tone

My favorite Black and White, Ever.

I am in love with this picture. It says so much about this family.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Trying out some storyboards

More of the three girls

Here are a few more to share from the three sister session this week. The sandal picture was the mom's idea and I am so glad she suggested it. It is such a fun picture!

Early Morning Light

It seems strange to me to post pictures of my son on the business blog but every once in a while there is a picture that I have to share. On the mornings we can water outside, Elijah and I go out around 6 am and water all the flowers. The lighting is beautiful and my son the handsome model. 10 months old and he seems so grown up already.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

The last from my weekend session

I finally finished editing my session from last weekend. Whew! It feels good to have these ready for this family. We ended up with a lot of quality portraits. I wish I could share them all with you, but instead I will just share my favorites.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Three beautiful young ladies!

Yesterday, I had a session with three sisters and a goregous mom. I don't have any pictures to post with the mother yet, but I will soon. Here are a few of my favorites.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

What a blast!

I had a Mother and Son session today. The son was all into posing after he warmed up. I had a great time.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Handsome Boys

My sister allowed me the pleasure of taking her picture with my handsome nephews. They look so grown. We had a lot of fun. I have at least 100 pictures of the boys being silly and making faces. I laughed the entire session.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Two more from a session a few weeks ago

I am still behind on editing sessions. Since we have three new sessions next week (yes, three, I a, very proud!), I knew I needed to complete the old sessions. Hope you enjoy! She is beautiful.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

I am finally getting some time to work on the session I had a few weeks ago. She is such a beautiful woman and it is my pleasure to share any of her pictures!