Sunday, July 29, 2007

Christmas Cards in July???

I have started working on Christmas cards to offer our clients this season. Believe it or not, I have already had requests for Christmas cards. The pictures in the cards are from the summer so not exactly what a card should look like, but I think you get the idea.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

My darling son...

Yes, he is going to be a year old. He is so grown already.

My first storyboard from scratch

My friend requested a storyboard with her favorite pictures. I decided I would design one myself this time instead of using a pre-made design. I am really proud of the final result.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Pick one

We had the most lovely dinner at a friend's house tonight. I had a photo idea and her children were happy to model. Do you prefer the sepia tone or the color? I love the color because all the different skin tones. I love the sepia because it it makes the pictures timeless.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

The second session

These are a very good friend of mine's children. It was great to capture her children. They are beautiful and a lot of fun!

Overload of pictures ahead....

This session was a blast. This is my first extended family! Many more pictures to come. Ironically, these are of my soon to be former boss. Yes, you heard it right... I am resigning to pursue being a mom and photographer. So exciting!
We have been very busy lately. Two sessions in one day, can you believe it? Here come the pictures! I am trying some new techniques. What do you think?

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Last from the session last week

I finished the editing from my session last week. Here are the last of my favorites from the session. I am really proud with the way these turned out but the subject matter is so beautiful it was hard to not get a good portrait.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Mommy Goggles???

I know he is my son and that makes me have mommy goggles on. (Every picture is cute of Elijah) But I am in love with his new pictures. My sweet son! And the two with my husband, what more could a woman want? I am more blessed than I deserve for sure.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Which photo do you love more?

I had a fun session today with a friend and her dog. It was so easy to get some great portraits. Of course she is goregous and the puppy ain't bad. HAHA!

So tell me, of these two pictures do you prefer the BW or Color? I need to get some comments on here... Do I have to beg? Must you bring me to that level?

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Two Close ups

Here are two close ups. I love close ups because you can make out so much detail in the face.

Catching up on editng.

I am finally catching up on my editing. Here are a few....