Saturday, December 22, 2007


We had our first senior session! This beautiful young woman wanted a session with her horse. There are many more pictures to share soon but I wanted to share the template we have been working on. We are hoping to get more seniors this coming year and we appreciate this senior willing to have some fun. We did three different locations during the session. She had to be tired by the end of the day! But I am very happy with the final session portraits. More to come soon!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

So happy to serve...

This family is the son of the beautiful grandmother we did we last month. While we were at the session the mom of this family asked if we could have a session for her family. We started talking about dates and that is when she told me her husband was leaving for Afghanistan the following weekend. We met on Veterans Day and did a quick session before he left. It was my pleasure to capture this family and I am looking forward to the proofs making it to Afghanistan.

I want to take a moment to thank all the men and women who are serving us by being away from their families. It doesn't matter what you think about why they are there. They are serving us and our families and missing so much from home. Thank you to this family for giving me this opportunity. If anyone reading this knows of a family member leaving for the military and you would like a session, please contact us. It is what we can do to give back to you.

When a session gets a little crazy....

We had a portrait session for an extended family! 17 people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whew! We all know that when family gets together things get crazy. This family was no different. I would love to be a fly on the wall at the holiday gatherings, I am sure there is a lot of laughter. The first portrait is my favorite, everyone loves the funny faces picture!

Now, I have a little time to share...

We still have a lot going on here but things are slowing down a lot here so I have some time to share some of the many sessions I didn't share from the Fall.

This first group is boy girl twins and cute as can be. They were up for a fun session and we had a blast. They loved each other too and it is always a treat to capture sibling love. It must be fun to have a built in playmate!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Our Christmas Card!

We have spent the entire season doing Christmas cards for our clients. I haven't even thought about our own Christmas cards until last week. So here it is, without delay. I am very happy with the way it turned out. I love the pictures, of course. My sweet boy is getting so big!

Merry Christmas from the Fergusons!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl!

This is the youngest daughter of our good friends. We went to her birthday party this weekend. This is a little sad because my son is 3 months older than her, and it just reminds me how fast they grow. I had to share this picture. There are many others but this one I think captures her sweet personality. Later, she would be seen dancing for the masses while opening gifts but in this picture she quietly posed. Happy Birthday, Sweet girl!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Check out this beauty!!

Check out my assistant from last week! A very good friend spent Thanksgiving weekend with us and served as my assistant to a very busy weekend. Of course we had to take a few of her. Notice she is wearing her favorite team colors. We later spent the evening watching the infamous game. Check out our new spirit template!

Christmas Cards!!

We have had so many orders for Christmas cards that I wanted to share one with you! You know this family from a few weeks back!