Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Polar Express 2nd Birthday!

Watching Polar Express...
Waiting on Cake!
Hanging out with buddies!
Looking for friends to arrive...
Isn't she beautiful? Look at her eyes!
You are singing to me... I know it!
Here is Elijah wishing the train was his toy!

Check out this Hot mama....

We were a part of a birthday party in late December. The guest of honor was turning two and we were excited to be there. The mom is my best friend from high school. I think we met when I was 12, and I don't think I have a friend that I have known longer. Our kiddos are less than a year apart! And if you notice from the last picture, they are expecting another girl in the next few months. The party was great and so much fun. Elijah didn't leave the new train table the birthday girl received except to partake in cake. What kid wouldn't leave for cake?

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