Monday, March 31, 2008

Sweet Brothers!

The flowers are finally blooming! After a late snow this year the flowers are finally coming out in full force. I had the pleasure of meeting two sweet brothers last Saturday for a session at the Botanical Gardens. I spent some extra time with the younger brother and he is handsome as can be in his overalls. I think every little boy needs portraits in overalls! When the brothers came together for a few shots you could just tell they have a lot of fun together at home!

A delightful wedding!

Cory and I are really loving weddings lately! It is just amazing to be a part of a special day like a wedding. This wedding was so much fun too. We love meeting the families that are coming together to celebrate this great couple. Weddings take so much time to plan and are a full day of nonstop activities but it is something this family will remember forever. We are so blessed to be a part of that! I wish I could share all the pictures, but I will just share a few of my favorites!

In the next few months we will releasing a new wedding marketing campaign and even a separate website, so be looking out! Cory and I love taking the day together and getting know to families in a real way and we look forward to doing this more often!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Elijah's Basket!
He is so cute!
How many eggs can I hold?
I can hide the eggs too!
The adults can find the

I fought working on our family Easter pictures for three days and I couldn't take it anymore! Here are a few from the day. We had so much fun and are so thankful for the reason to celebrate. The day isn't just about family and eggs, but about our Saviour no longer being dead. We celebrate because He is no longer in the tomb, He lives! I promise the next post with be some of the great portraits I have been promising!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Where I have been!

I have been out of town for the last week enjoying some great R&R with my sister and handsome nephews. Of course there will be many more portraits to come but here is a taste. We will be announcing our first beach portrait weekend in the next week or so. I have had so many requests for beach sessions and I know they will book up fast. Here is a taste of my beautiful son! His outfit was handmade by a good friend. I mean, you can't get any cuter than this!!
I am seriously behind on uploading sessions so there will be many more sessions to share on the blog, not to mention I am completely booked for the next few weeks. Keep looking to see more!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Lifestyle Love Session

I wanted to try something a little different and this fun couple was up to my crazy ideas. We met downtown to get an "artsy" feel. This time I was determined to get more portraits of this beautiful couple just being who they are and not posing for a camera. Of course we did a few posing pictures but I really want to capture this couple as a couple like I am just watching them at a quiet place. So what do you think? Let me know!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Childhood play!

The reason I have my business is because I love taking pictures and my favorite subject is my beautiful son. This Sunday we played with sidewalk chalk for the first time and Elijah is now a big fan! He would make a mark and cackle, it was so great! Thanks for letting me share!

A picture of me!

I am 13 weeks pregnancy today and finally decided to take a belly shot! With my son's pregnancy I took a belly picture every week or so but it is easy to let time slip away when you are chasing an 18 month old around. The weather was perfect on Sunday, so we were out enjoying some sidewalk chalk (pictures of that to come!) and I asked Cory to take a few shots of my belly. It is very strange, I went from not looking pregnant to "wow, look at that baby" in a week. I think the maternity shirt helps to make me look more pregnant! We find out the first of April what our miracle #2 will be!

Monday, March 3, 2008

A baby on the way!

This is a very dear friend of mine even though we have only met in person twice, we talk almost daily. I love the Internet! We have boys that are a week apart! This family is excited to have some pink in their life, the baby girl is due in April. We chose a VERY cold day to have a session and probably should have rescheduled but it was too late by the time we realized it was too cold. The family was a trooper and we took lots of "warm up" breaks. I just love pregnant women! She is so beautiful!