Monday, May 5, 2008


Our family took a trip to Locust Fork to pick strawberries last Friday. I have to say it was the most fun I have had in months. Elijah "got" what this was all about. I fully expected to be chasing him around trying to pick a few strawberries but no, Elijah just knew what to do. Maybe he will be a farmer? He is already obsessed with tractors! Warning here are lots of pictures, I wanted to give you an idea of a fun day for us! Here is the strawberry story...

So this is where strawberries come from..... I got this!
Strawberry fields forever...
The perfect berry!
This flower does not smell?
Where to pick from next?

Picking with Daddy!

Ya haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... here I come!
This is the best tasting berry EVER!
Endless possibilities!

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